How to Floor Tiles Calculation Formula For (20'-0"X20'-0") Room.

Floor Tiles Calculation Formula For (20'-0"X20'-0") Room.

How to Calculated  Quantity of Floor Tiles, Cement and Sand.

Floor Tiles calculation 

Floor Tiles Measurement,


Tile Calculator,

Tiling calculator,

Size of tiles.

Floor Area- (20'-0" X 20'-0") = 400 Sft

Floor Length     - 20'-0"

Floor Width       - 20'-0"

Tiles Size          -   24" X 24"

Area Of Tiles    -  576 in.Sq ÷ 144 = 4 Sft

Number Of Tiles - Area Of Floor / Area Of Tiles

                               - 400 Sft / 4 Sft = 100 Nos.

Size Of Door - (3'-0" X 7'-0")  

Skirting Lenth -2( Floor Lenth +Floor Width) -3'

                         - 2x( 20' + 20') - 3' = 77 Rft.

Skriting Tiles Area - 77Rft ( 6"/12") = 38.5 Sft.

Total Tiles Area - (400+ 38.5) Sft.

                                = 438.5 Sft.

Wastage Tiles - 8 % 

Total Tiles Area - (1.08 X 438.5 Sft)

                            = 473.58 Sft  or  474 Sft.

Tile size,

Floor tiles calculation formula,

Tile flooring calculator,

Tile calculator square feet.

Method Of Extracting Cement And Sand.

Floor Area - 400 Sft 

Thickness - 3" 

Mortar Ratio - 1:6 

Some Of the Volumes - (1+6) = 7 

Dry Volume - 1.33 X (400* 3"/12") = 133 Cft

Cement - (133÷ 7) x 1 =  19 Cft

                                       = 15.2 Bag [ 19 / 1.25] 

Sand   - ( 133 ÷ 7) x 6 = 114 Cft

Mortar Mixing Water Ratio Per Bag Cement = 28.5 Ltr Water.

Floor Tiles Calculation,

Tiles Estimate,

How to Calculated Floor tiles (Estimated & Quantity) Of Room.

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